About me: Since 2007 I’ve been developing a living habitat that merges nature with curvilinear interactive play space into one cohesive Bio Shelter Organism that protects and nourishes the people living within, whilst being able to withstand the extreme cold weather without conventional heating. A habitat that uses minimal inputs whilst UPcycling and reusing all of its waste outputs.
In 2020 I’ve relocated back to my home country Russia to develop Wautillarium Eco Home for Subzero t°. Once complete, this biological eco dwelling will heat and cool itself, passively, with laws of physics as well as thermophilic bacteria that thrive on human waste, producing compost for food production. The water cycle loops between shower and food growing - water treating botanical cells.
My name is Alosha Lynov and I am a natural builder, designer, and inventor who has synthesized the greatest minds of the planet in the fields of water ecosystem design, living machines, parametric vaults, and eco-construction, to develop a fully autonomous home that is buriable and thus can handle the harshest and most erratic weather patterns as well as strong wind and snow loads.
I have 13 years of practical experience in eco-construction as well as living machine and ecosystem design. I have a further 16 years of experience at my previous company, 3D Deco, which I started at the age of 19, specializing in exhibitions and event decor of large-scale venues. I have attached 10 slides of some of my functional creative work. Please see slides of my work here
Having learned eco-tech from masters all over the world, I continued to build and experiment on my own land. To date, I have taught over 2000 students (12.12.2022) at my workshops and online classes the art of mimicking nature's genius and off-the-water-grid bio shelter construction. I’ve been building a self-funded school of Bio Architecture in Johannesburg, which I had to abandon after 13 years of work, due to increased crime during the recent pandemic. Last year, in Russia together with my wife, we started constructing Wautillarium for cold northern climate with our own hands, to test out all the key concepts and prototype the know-how.
It has been my lifelong mission and dream to create an experimental LAB training students in functional hands-on building techniques creatively infused with the laws of physics, biology, bio geometry, biomimicry, and soil regeneration. I look forward to collaborating with anyone who shares a similar vision, by sharing the R&D of all the eco-tech, that we test out at our educational center. The wisdom gathered at our experimental LAB will be of exceptional value towards the development of self-regenerative living habitat for the future of humankind.
My love for Bio Architecture and nature started back in 2000 with curvilinear decor of clubs and events (3D Deco). This set me on a journey around the world in search of structural Gaudi forms. In 2007 I went to Mexico on a flying concrete workshop with Steve Kohler and this spun me further on a journey around the world learning practical permaculture wisdom as well as EMR & Geopathic stress protection from international ecological masters Mike Reynolds (1 month Earthship academy and apprenticeship in Malawi), Geoff Lawton (Permaculture Design Course) Ibrahim Karim (Bio Geometry, Nader Khalili (Cal-Earth), Hajjar Gibran (Dome Gaia), Josh Kearns (slow sand biochar filtration), John Todd (living machines) and a few others.
I have practically experimented with all the learned wisdom on my farm as well as our urban permaculture playground homestead. Now that I have relocated to Russia I am busy redesigning an Earthship to be temperature stable in the harshest northern climates of our planet with no winter sun - WAUTILLARIUM BIOTECTURE
Making countless expensive mistakes in my permaculture ecosystems assisted me to perfect nature-inspired eco-tech.
My ethos to mimic nature's genius as we catch what comes from the sky, treat wastewater and garbage as assets, and creatively use natural resources to create self-regenerative Bio-Architectural homes induced with beauty, life force, and self-regeneration.
I am not prepared to close my eyes to the ecological disaster which is approaching at a scary pace, When one is not hiding from the truth like it is accustomed by our society, we clearly see the necessary steps that we ought to undertake in the shortest time frame. These exact action steps are what we are disseminating through our live and online training all over the world.
Together with my wife Zoya we are not just bringing up the urgency towards actions on the ecological state of our planet but we emphasise our undealt inner emotional states and traumas, and how to work through them, so that they do not result in cancerous actions that lead towards an ecological catastrophe. Join our youtube channel
My current development is an Earthship Hybrid solar passive home developed for the cold northern climate, because: we are losing millions of acres of old-growth forest each year, for the heating and construction of our homes. Emulating the models, systems, and elements of nature we have developed an affordable DIY home, for cold climates. Wautillarium passively achieves a year-round comfortable t°, using laws of physics and compost producing thermophilic bacteria. Wautillarium is an innovative, game-changing building technology, inspired by and in alignment with nature, inviting you to create and live within a harmonious home, that threads lightly on the Earth".
Workshops attended & experience
2000 - 2016 started, developed and sold my 3D Deco Curvilinear even decorating business
2007 – 2 week Ferro Cement Gaudi Construction in Mexico
2008 – Cob Construction with Florian Kroll in Johannesburg
2010 – 1 week Grow Bio Intensive workshop with John Jeavons in South Africa
2011 – Living Eco Machine construction and basics of Ecological design with John Todd at the largest wetland in the world (Okavango Delta)
2011 – Earthship Bio Tecture Seminar in Taos New Mexico
2011 – 10 day practical training on SuperAdobe at Cal-Earth Institute of Land Art and Architecture in California.
2012 – 2 week Permaculture Design Certification with Geoff Lawton
2013 – 3 week Earthship School Build in Malawi. Construction using tires, cans, bottles as well as other low tech ways for 3rdworld countries
2015 – 1 week practical on Slow Sand Bio Char Filtration with Josh Kearns from Aqueous solutions in Thailand
2016 – 10 days workshop on Air Crete Dome building with Dome Gaia in Mexico
2019 - Ran a double dome workshop in Nepal
2019 - Ran a tour on Successful community design in 5 cities of USA
2020 – Full 1 month Earthship Academy with Earthship Veteran crew
2020 - Food Forest Workshop with Martin Crawford
2022 - Start to finish build of the wooden tensile vault in Siberia
2023 - start to finish build of my first debt free Gothic Arched home next to St Petersburg
2023 - creation of my new Duo Of Vaults Video Course
2024 - Design of a large scale public space structure as a first seed building for an eco city, that we are constructing...
2025 Construction of a multi purpose large scale self heating and cooling public space with a tropical green house

alosha {at} bioveda.co // telegram: t.me/aloshalynov